


Is key to our well being, it has such an effect that it is often the place we need to start in order to achieve good physical and mental health. What happens with our moods is closely linked to what we eat. Together we can plan a solution to your dietary issues, I know how important it is for you to be sure you want to work with me, book a free 20 minute chat and I can answer your questions and help you take the next step to better health.


How it works

Before your first consultation you will be asked to keep a 5 day food diary. Your first consultation will take an hour and we will take your medical history as well as looking at your diet, health issues and relationship with food. We will then put together a step by step plan to making improvements, I will help guide you through this with regular follow ups and support.



I work with a range of different supplements which help address detoxing the body as well as giving you the nutrients you need. We will asses your individual needs and decide upon the best supplements for you.